1. A man guilty of adultery;
a man who has sexual commerce with any married woman, except
his wife.
In scripture, an idolater. Ezek 23.
An apostate from the true faith, or one
who violates his covenant engagements; a very wicked person.
Jer 9 and 23.
One devoted to earthly things. James 4.
Adulteress: A
married woman guilty of incontinence.
Adultery: 1.
Violation of the marriage bed; a crime,
or a civil injury, which introduces, or may introduce, into
a family, a spurious offspring.
By the
laws of Connecticut, the sexual intercourse of any man, with
a married woman, is the crime of adultery in both: such
intercourse of a married man, with an unmarried woman, is
fornication in both, and adultery of the man, within the
meaning of the law respecting divorce; but not a felonious
adultery in either, or the crime of adultery at common law,
or by statute. This latter offense is, in England, proceeded
with only in the ecclesiastical courts.
common usage, adultery means the unfaithfulness of any
married person to the marriage bed. In England, Parliament
grant absolute divorces for infidelity to the marriage bed
in either party; and the spiritual courts divorce a mensa et
2. In a
scriptural sense, all manner of lewdness or unchastity, as
in the seventh commandment.
3. In
scripture, idolatry, or apostasy from the true God. Jer 3.
Betroth: 1.
To contract to any one, in order to a
future marriage; to promise or pledge one to be the future
spouse of another; to affiance; used of either sex. ""The
father betroths his daughter.'
To contract with one for a future
spouse; to espouse; as, a man betroths a lady.
3. The
definition of betroth from Easton’s Bible Dictionary:
promise “by one’s truth.” Men and women were betrothed when
they were engaged to be married. This usually took place a
year or more before marriage. From the time of betrothal the
woman was regarded as the lawful wife of the man to whom she
was betrothed (Deuteronomy 28:30; Judges 14:2, 8; Matthew
1:18-21). The term is figuratively employed of the spiritual
connection between God and his people (Hos. 2:19, 20).
Bride: 1.
A woman new married.
But the
name is applied to a woman at the marriage festival, before
she is married, as well as after the ceremony.
A woman espoused, or contracted to be
married. The case of Lewellyn, prince of Wales. Henry's
Hist. of Britain,,sect.2. [This is the true
original sense of the word.]
Bridegroom: A
man newly married; or a man about to be married. The passage
of Shakespeare cited by Johnson proves that the last
definition is just.
Concubine: 1.
A woman who cohabits with a man,
without the authority of a legal marriage; a woman kept for
lewd purposes; a kept mistress.
A wife of inferior condition; a lawful
wife, but not united to the man by the usual ceremonies, and
of inferior condition. Such were Hagar and Keturah , the
concubines of Abraham; and such concubines were allowed by
the Roman laws.
3. The
definition of concubine from
Easton’s Bible Dictionary:
Concubine in the Bible denotes a female conjugally united to
a man, but in a relation inferior to that of a wife. Among
the early Jews, from various causes, the difference between
a wife and a concubine was less marked than it would be
amongst us. The concubine was a wife of secondary rank.
There are various laws recorded providing for their
protection (Exodus 21:7; Deuteronomy 21:10-14), and setting
limits to the relation they sustained to the household to
which they belonged (Genesis 21:14; 25:6). They had no
authority in the family, nor could they share in the
household government. The immediate cause of concubinage
might be gathered from the conjugal histories of Abraham and
Jacob (Genesis 16;30). But in process of time the custom of
concubinage degenerated, and laws were made to restrain and
regulate it (Exodus 21:7-9).
4. The
definition of a concubine from the Oxford English Dictionary
(OED): In reference to polygamous peoples, as the ancient
Hebrews and the Mohammedans: A secondary wife whose position
is recognized by law, but is inferior to that of a wife. The
OED goes on to give a 1563 contextual definition that
states: After the phrase of the Scripture a concubine is an
honest name; for every concubine is a lawful wife, but every
wife is not a concubine. An 1807 entry in the OED states:
The most essential difference between a wife and a concubine
consisted in the wife having a dowry and the concubine
having no dowry.
5. Pilegesh
is the Hebrew term for a concubine with similar social and
legal standing to a recognized wife, often for the purpose
of producing offspring.
pilegesh was recognized among the ancient Hebrews and
enjoyed the same rights in the house as the legitimate wife.
Since it was regarded as the highest blessing to have many
children, while the greatest curse was childlessness,
legitimate wives often gave their maids to their husbands to
atone, at least in part, for their own barrenness. The
concubine commanded the same respect and inviolability as
the wife, and it was regarded as the deepest dishonor for
the man to whom she belonged if hands were laid upon her.
According to the Babylonian Talmud (Sanh. 21a), the
difference between a pilegesh and a full wife was that the
latter received a ketubah [dowry] and her marriage was
preceded by a formal betrothal (kiddushin), which was not
the case with the pilegesh. However, any offspring created
as a result of a union between a pilegesh and a man were on
equal legal footing with children of the man and his wife.
[Concubinage. (2013, June 12). New World Encyclopedia,
Retrieved 15:09, January 31, 2014 from]
Concupiscence: Lust;
unlawful or irregular desire of sexual pleasure. In a more
general sense, the coveting of carnal things, or an
irregular appetite for worldly good; inclination for
unlawful enjoyments. We know even secret concupiscence to be
sin. Sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me
all manner of concupiscence. Rom 7.
Divorce: A
legal dissolution of the bonds of matrimony, or the
separation of husband and wife by a judicial sentence. This
is properly called a divorce, and called technically,
divorce a vinculo matrimonii. [Webster’s 1828 Dictionary]
Effeminate: 1.
Having the qualities of the female sex;
soft or delicate to an unmanly degree; tender; womanish;
voluptuous. The king, by his voluptuous life and mean
marriage, became effeminate, and less sensible of honor.
Womanish; weak; resembling the practice
or qualities of the sex; as an effeminate peace; an
effeminate life.
3. Note
from the author: This phrase also applies to a boy kept for
sodomite relations with a man, a man who submits himself to
unnatural lewdness, and a male to male prostitute.
Espouse: 1.
To betroth.
When as
his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph. Mat 1.
To betroth; to promise or engage in marriage,
by contract in writing, or by some pledge; as, the king
espoused his daughter to a foreign prince. Usually and
properly followed by to, rather than with.
To marry; to wed.
To unite intimately or indissolubly.
5. The
definition of espouse from Easton’s Bible Dictionary:
Samuel 3:14), to betroth. The espousal was a ceremony of
betrothing, a formal agreement between the parties then
coming under obligation for the purpose of marriage.
Espousals are in the East frequently contracted years before
the marriage is celebrated. It is referred to as
figuratively illustrating the relations between God and his
people (Jeremiah 2:2; Matthew 1:18; 2 Corinthians 11:2).
Fornication: 1.
The incontinence or lewdness of
unmarried persons, male or female; also, the criminal
conversation of a married man with an unmarried woman.
Adultery. Mat 5.
Incest. 1 Cor 5.
Idolatry; a forsaking of the true God,
and worshipping of idols. 2 Chr 21. Rev 19.
Fornicator: 1.
An unmarried person, male or female,
who has criminal conversation with the other sex; also, a
married man who has sexual commerce with an unmarried woman.
(Note from the author: Matthew 19:9 says that a wife can be
a fornicator. Furthermore, if a wife can, so can a husband)
Harlot: 1.
A woman who prostitutes her body for
hire; a prostitute; a common woman.
In Scripture, one who forsakes the true
God and worships idols. Isa 1.
Husband: 1.
A man contracted or joined to a woman
by marriage. A man to whom a woman is betrothed, as well as
one actually united by marriage, is called a husband. Lev
19. Deu 22.
1. Looseness;
irregular indulgence of animal desires; wantonness;
lustfulness. Who, being past feeling, have given themselves
over to lasciviousness. Eph 4.
2. Tendency
to excite lust, and promote irregular indulgences.
Marry: 1.
To unite in wedlock or matrimony; to
join a man and woman for life, and constitute them man and
wife according to the laws or customs of a nation. By the
laws, ordained clergymen have a right to marry persons
within certain limits prescribed. Tell him he shall marry
the couple himself.
To dispose of in wedlock.
told Augustus he must either marry his daughter Julia to
Agrippa, or take away his life. [In this sense, it is
properly applicable to females only.]
To take for husband or wife. We say, a
man marries a woman; or a woman marries a man. The first was
the original sense, but both are now well authorized.
In Scripture, to unite in covenant, or
in the closest connection. Turn, O backsliding children,
saith Jehovah, for I am married to you. Jer 3.
Marry, v.i. To enter
into the conjugal state; to unite as husband and wife; to
take a husband or a wife. If the case of the man be so with
his wife, it is not good to marry. Mat 19. I will therefore
that the younger women marry. 1 Tim 5.
The practice of females' having more
husbands than one at the same time; plurality of husbands.
Polygamy: A
plurality of wives or husbands at the same time; or the
having of such plurality. When a man has more wives than
one, or a woman more husbands than one, at the same time,
the offender is punishable for polygamy. Such is the fact in
Christian countries. But polygamy is allowed in some
countries, as in Turkey.
The practice of having more wives than one at the same time.
Sodomite: A
man who has sexual relations with men.
Sodomitess: A
woman who has sexual relations with women. She is called a
whore in Deuteronomy 23:17.
Spouse: One
engaged or joined in wedlock; a married person, husband or
wife. We say of a man, that he is the spouse of such a
woman; or of a woman, she is the spouse of such a man.
Uncleanness: 1.
Foulness; dirtiness; filthiness. Be not
troublesome to thyself or to others by uncleanness.
Want of ritual or ceremonial purity.
Lev 15.
Moral impurity; defilement by sin;
sinfulness. I will save you from all your uncleanness. Ezek
Lewdness; incontinence. Col 3. 2 Pet 2.
5. Note
from the author: In Deuteronomy 24:1 the word uncleanness
refers to something that is not revealed until nakedness
occurs. It has to do with a physical deformity.
Unmarried: Used
in scripture of having never been married and also of having
been married but now divorced.
Unmarry: 1. To
divorce. [Webster’s 1828 Dictionary]
2. To
dissolve the marriage of; to free from the marriage-tie; to
divorce. To put away, to divorce (a wife). Contextual
definition: He doth unmarry them, and setteth her at liberty
that she may marry with another. [1588 from Mendoza's
History of China 401][ All from the Oxford English
Whore: A
harlot; a courtesan; a concubine; a prostitute.
Whoredom: 1.
Lewdness; fornication; practice of
unlawful commerce with the other sex. It is applied to
either sex, and to any kind of illicit commerce.
In Scripture, idolatry; the desertion
of the worship of the true God, for the worship of idols.
Whoremonger: The
same as whoremaster. One who practices lewdness. (Note from
the author: this is applied to a man who uses and consorts
with whores.
Wife: The
lawful consort of man; a woman who is united to man in the
lawful bonds of wedlock; the correlative of husband. The
husband of one wife. 1 Tim 3. Let every one of you in
particular, so love his wife even as himself, and let the
wife See that she reverence her husband. Eph 5.